This educational toy requires a certain level of fine motor skills. If this isn't your child's strong suit now, it soon will be. Your child will get to practice precision when they have to place the drill or screwdriver in the bolts and use it. They have to think about the different shapes and sizes and how they fit together. It's challenging in a good and healthy way , while also being fun.
We all know how much kids love to play with our grown-up tools and the things we use around the house. That's why your child will love the realistic drill in this drill set. It sounds like a real drill and has two settings. The normal forward function and a reverse function. It gives your kids room to be creative and keep working on the project until they are happy with the results.
In our everyday life, we often find ourselves in a situation where we have to fix something with our hands. Let's help our children to use their hands and their minds together from an early age. How does everything fit together and what shapes, animals and figures can you make? A lion, a dinosaur, a horse, trees, flowers and much more. There are no limits when using your creativity.
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Mine børn kan ikke få nok af dette mosaiksæt. De bruger timer på at lave mønstre, og jeg elsker, at de samtidig træner deres kreativitet og finmotorik.
Mine børn elsker mosaikboresættet. Det er sjovt, lærerigt og holder dem beskæftiget i timevis. Fantastisk produkt.
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