Forget about expensive and invasive surgical procedures to get rid of skin flaps and other imperfections. By applying these skin patches, you will be using natural ingredients that can benefit your skin without side effects .
Organic extracts from plants such as Thuja Orientalis, rudbeckia and tea tree as well as vitamin E are anti-inflammatory and prevent bacterial growth and other infections. Let the natural ingredients gradually detach from the patch, penetrate your skin pores and take care of your beauty and health .
Removing skin blemishes and flaps can be painful and uncomfortable. But that's not the case with these patches. Since they are only designed to dry out the skin flaps, their application will not cause you any pain or discomfort.
Treat yourself to a first-class treatment without leaving your home. Simply apply these patches where you have flaps of skin that you want to remove. Get rid of them effectively and safely .
Suitable for all skin types and safe, these patches can be used on all skin areas. Apply them to the face, eyelids, breasts, neck, armpits, groin and other sensitive parts of the skin as they do not irritate it. Remove skin flaps, acne, dark and light birthmarks and large and small warts. Get access to a wide range of skin care using only one carefully designed product.
It couldn't be easier than applying it - wash and dry only the part of the skin that needs to be treated. Then stick the patch on and leave it on for up to 12 hours. A plaster should be applied twice a day until the wart or tag is completely dry and falls off.
Leaving the patch on the skin all day will not be difficult thanks to the fact that they are waterproof and have a very strong adhesive . You won't even notice you're wearing it, thanks to its neutral color and breathable texture - all for your comfort!
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Jeg var skeptisk, men disse hudpleje-patches virker virkelig! Efter et par dage begyndte mine små hudmærker at forsvinde, og min hud ser meget pænere ud. De er nemme at bruge og føles behagelige på huden.
Plåstren är superenkla att använda och fungerade riktigt bra. Efter några dagar var hudflikarna borta utan smärta!
Dessa plåster funkar över förväntan! Efter några dagar märkte jag att hudflikarna blev mindre och försvann. Smidigt och smärtfritt!
Disse patchs virker! Mine små hudmærker forsvandt efter et par dage uden irritation. Meget nem løsning!
Disse hudpleje-patches virker virkelig godt! Mine små hudmærker begyndte at falme efter blot et par dages brug. De er lette at påføre og irriterer ikke huden. En fantastisk løsning, hvis man vil slippe af med uønskede mærker!
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